New Years brings new resolutions. Since I'm not one for resolutions, here I stand truckin' on in my same old Grok-ette style, but if you'd like to join me for some Paleo low carb munchie chips then crunch on! Many thanks to BJ for gifting me with these fresh delicious turnips this past weekend.
I'd never pulled fresh turnips before. Even on that chilly Sunday morning after viewing her hens and coop setup (yes, all us chicken mommies check out everyone else's coops), we sunk into the sandy mud to pull some gorgeous purple head turnips. Since I pulled too many (darn efficient harvest hand) some turnip chips sounded good (again, thanks BJ!). Easy, crunchy and seasoned to your pleasure... For those embarking upon a low carb diet this new year, keep turnips in the forefront of your mind. Though most root vegetables are high carb, turnips, celeraic root and cauliflower are great potato substitutes.
About 1 lb fresh turnips
if desired: sea salt and seasonings of choice: for savory try parsley garlic powder and tamari or cayenne sea salt and curry. Just plain old extra virgin olive oil, pink salt, and pepper work just fine too though!
Wash and destem turnips. Slice very thin and place in boiling water. Blanch turnip slices; that is, boil for about 2 minutes until purple color is vibrant. Drain and steep slices in ice water. Drain again once cool and pat dry. Salt and season as desired. Place in dehydrator and dry in 4 hour intervals, checking slices to desired crispness. Store in an airtight container.
Turnips are relatively low carb with raw turnips being a great source of certain B vitamins like B6 and folate, calcium, and minerals like copper and potassium. Every bit of natural whole food vitamin source of potassium in particular will help to balance the SAD (standard american diet) bad sodium (processed salt) intake. Cooked turnips will have more fiber but lose vitamin C and B vitamins if you drain the water. Luckily blanching retains most of the vitamins so here this is not much of a worry. Now grab your turnip chips and munch on into the new year!

crunchy turnip glory! |

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