

Happy Solstice!

No matter the weather, go stick your head outdoors for the longest day of the year, Horray! Somehow, I am working longer today by happenstance so the rest of you need to get outside and enjoy some of the great day (except if you're in California with all those scorchers). NASA has a great Astronomy Picture of the Day of the moon over Greece, shown below (with permission). If you're not quite familar with all the fascinating astonomical details about solstice, check out Wikipedia's introduction. Sorry, no recipes for now since we'll be out enjoying a later nightfall in our garden.


  1. excellent photos. Always liked to watch nature in its natural beauty. Not spoiled by human hands.

  2. Hey Well this is Awesome Man. I love this movement and also I wanna spend some time some here

  3. Hello, I was searching on Google for some information. And this blog is very relevant to my desires. I like very much definitely will visit again.

  4. I really appreciate your efforts and dedication you are sharing in your blog site.......Hope to see your next post soon...keep it on

  5. I just want to say that I love the image that you used for this post. Do you think it's shopped? Anyway, lovely picture of the moon (over Rome?).


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